Have Questions?

We’re here to guide you swiftly, addressing your queries and welcoming your suggestions with open arms.

How do I submit resources or information?

To submit resources or information please fill out the form: here

Can I submit a blog post if I want to share my own story?

Yes! Anyone is welcome to share their story on our blog! Please email: [email protected]

Will my personal information be shared if I submit a story?

You may share what ever personal information you feel comfortable sharing. If you wish to remain anonymous, use an alias, your first name or initials that’s okay! Just let us know which you prefer when you email.

What type of stories are you looking for?

Anything you want to share is welcome! For example, how you began your career, highlights, overview of what you do, impact of your termination, working with partners and stake holders, etc.

Are stories limited to civil servants only?

No! If you are not a civil servant, but have worked with one and would like to share your story please do!